Sunday, September 14, 2008

We just can't get a break...

It's day 14 of storm recovery. I haven't had a day off since August 24. I'm tired and my guys are tired. Bayou Pigeon and Bayou Sorrell can best be described as a black hole. On Thursday night we finally got a feed from our transmission lines that we were waiting on another power company to fix...I'm not mentioning any names but you know who they are. Our guys worked until 12:30 Friday morning restoring that area. At 6:00 a.m. that morning Ike broke a pole on that same transmission line. Once again everyone went out. Saturday night the transmission line came back up; an hour after our crews had left the area a car ran off the road and broke another pole on a 3 phase line (a major feeder line). I feel sorry for those poor people living there and for our crews who can't seem to catch a break. We can't win for losing down there.

On a more positive note. I spent the night in my own bed last night. We are hoping to be back at our regular schedules starting Tuesday. Yeah maybe I will start getting more than 4 hours of sleep each night and hopefully I will soon have a day off!

Also I now have a crew from Oklahoma and they are all my new boyfriends...can't wait to tell that story on a later date! Tee Hee hee!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So maybe you'll come visit to see your boyfriends! HA!