Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What a Waste?

One of my new year resolutions was to live a little greener. Well I've been recycling. It has been great, very easy and I feel great doing it. However, after taking the time to make an effort to recycle it has been brought to my attention how much corporate America waste in paper. I never read junk mail. I've never taken advantage of the numerous offers. I only open the envelopes to determine whether or not the article of mail needs to be trashed or shredded. Imagine the money, trees, postage, gasoline, man-power, etc they would save if they would stop sending me junk mail. I work in an industry where we are continuously being damned for our carbon foot print while producing coal fire energy that has become necessity for Americans. Well when are the tree huggers going to look at the credit card, phone, and magazine companies. Let's find out what their carbon foot print is just on junk mail.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Great News....I've Posted Photos!

Finally, I have taken the time to post some photos to my Shutterfly site. Click on the link that says Addie's Photos on the right side of this blog. I have pictures from Devin and my trip to New Orleans for the Metalica concert, our family trip to Texas to spend Thanksgiving with Mike and my rockin New Year's Eve party! Enjoy!

Monday, February 2, 2009


Recovery is still coming along OK. It's slower than I expected, but I can tell that things are improving. The worst part is not being able to keep any food down. My diet has mostly been corn flakes and sandwiches. As for beef and fried foods, my body rejects them completely. I've lost 10 pounds since surgery. I get tired easily and I spent the majority of the weekend sleeping. The best part of the whole weekend was watching my future husband win the Super Bowl...Go Ben! lol