Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Argh! How do I get so lucky?

As most of you know I hate winter. I hover around the I-10 for a reason. No snow. Mild winter tempatures. Well guess who is in Shreveport? And guess what they are forecasting? Yep I'm in Shreveport and they are forescasting snow. Seems like everytime I come to Shreveport it snows. Just hoping I can get back in time for our Christmas party on Saturday. It can snow as long as I'm in the comfort of the hotel and the roads do not close! Yeah Yeah laugh at me all you living in Yankee territory. And Yes are a yankee! lol

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Trust me... I do NOT consider Oklahoma the South! People tell me I'm so "southern" all the time. They think it's quaint. Who knew I was old fashioned and quaint?