Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Tis da Season to Be Jory! Frah Ra Ra Ra RRRh

Christmas is almost here and I have yet to watch A Christmas Story. It's one of my all time favorites but I just haven't had the time. I'm still unpacking boxes and trying to get things right since the move and I haven't found the time to watch all my holiday movies. Plus now that I live alone and can't aggreivate my mom by watch A Christmas Story (she absolutly hates this movie) it's just not as fun! lol
It's nice to be back in my house. I just wish I could snap my fingers and have everything organized and neat like normal. I have been wanting to bake Christmas cookies but I'm torn between delaying unpacking and making more of a mess to bake.
I sure hope Santa's elves in brown make it here with all my gifts before our family dysfunction on Saturday...otherwise there will be some disappointed people when they have nothing to open for Christmas. The sad part about shipping gifts is I can't remember all the places I had them shipped to lol...some are going to my new address, some my parents address, some to the office and some to my old address. It's going to take me until the new year to track down where I have sent all these presents!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm waiting on an elf in brown to deliver someone's gift too! I hope he gets here before we leave town. Cause that would really stink!