Monday, December 10, 2007

It's Chenal...not Chanel!

Well I have some exciting news. I have moved back to Chenal! I am renting some property from my cousin and it is so nice to be back in the country. I know some of you think New Roads is the country also. But I have a beautiful view of a pasture and woods out the back and the view out the front is the one I have always been familiar with...It's home, It's where I grew up! For the past 3 weeks I've been living on an air mattress in my parent's living room (you know me nothing is ever easy...the move was delayed two weeks in a row because of rain). If I ever had any second thoughts about moving out 2 years ago, I have confirmed that I made the right decision. I love my family but I need my space as do they. Hopefully I will have electricity and be moved back in to my house in the next couple days.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

YAY! Go Addie for being back in Chenal!! So is your old address your new address? Or do you have a new, new address?