Monday, February 18, 2008

So what's the hold up?

I know I promised Mardi Gras pics. Plus there have been other photos that I wanted to post, but unfortunately I had to send my brand new computer back to the manufacture. So I'm using my office computer right now. I bought myself a laptop for Christmas. About 2 weeks after I purchased it I was typing when the B key flew off. I took the computer to Best Buy thinking the Geek Squad could fix it no problem. Well the told me they couldn't and I would have to ship it back to the manufacture. So I decided I was not going to bother with that until we were caught up at work because we had our Annual Meeting to prep for the entire month of January then we went straight into our Youth Tour judging. So last week was my first chance to get caught up and I decided to take care of my computer issues. Hopefully I will have it back by next week. So now you know why there has been a hold up on postings. Not that I am the most efficient when it comes to posting anyway! lol

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OH I hate the computer issues! I'm having my own - stupid cd drive doesn't work. I guess I'll follow your lead and get it taken care of.