Thursday, January 31, 2008

Woo Hoo...Hell Day is Over!

Hell Day a.k.a. Annual Membership Meeting is over. There is so much planning that goes into this event it is unbelieveable. Thank God Joanie and I both have a natural talent for planning events. Everything went well dispite the fact that we had half the man power we normaly have. It was a very sucessful day.

Funny story though...this just proves no matter how well you plan and no matter how many years you do an event things will happen.
January 2-Call sandwich company to order 750 ham and cheese poboys for January 30.
January 16-Confirm poboy order
January 25-Confirm poboy order again and delivery information
2:30 January 29-Phone call from sandwich company.
SC:What is the latest we can deliver your poboys?

AA:7:30 a.m. tomorrow morning.

SC:Well we only have enough bread for 200 sandwiches. Can we deliver later?

AA:No this order was placed 4 weeks ago and confirmed twice. They have to be here no later than 7:30 am

SC:OK we will see what we can do.

Now panic breaks out of the office. We are in a situation we have no control over. Forntuately the sandwiches did arrive on time the next morning. Yeah!

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