Not a whole lot going on around here except for the building excitement about the LSU baseball team hosting a regional this weekend. I have not been this excited in a long time. These past few weeks have been a lot of fun!
Memorial Day weekend was nice and low key. Thursday night was girls night out...I think the bar tender tried to serve me Old Charter instead of Crown. Friday was rough...didn't feel too hot. On Saturday I caught Clayton's baseball game and did some shopping in Baton Rouge. Sunday I grilled hamburgers and invited the family over. Monday I took on the project of all projects. Washing the exterior of my home. It is days like these when you scrub the entire thing by hand you appreciate the size of it. Needless to say the day could not go by without a "Goofy Addie" accident. I fell while trying to reach the roof, scraped my elbow, bruised my foot and hurt my shoulder. It was beautiful, but that's what you get when you do dumb things.
Today is bridge construction day. I get to ride out to the construction site for the John James Audubon Bridge that will connect New Roads and St. Francisville. This should be fun. I haven't been on the site in a while. I hope to have some pictures to post when I get back.